Author: Gerben

Provision Networks at VMware TSX EMEA 2007

At the last day of VMware TSX-EMEA in Nice, France I attended a session of one of the sponsors called "Provision Networks".Provision Networks is a global provider of enterprise virtual desktop deployment and application delivery solutions.Version 5.8 of the Virtual Access Suite (VAS) was introduced. This latest release is aimed at large-scale enterprise desktop deployments […]

Just some caveats and rumors at TSX

Only backing up your VC database is not enough in case of disaster, make sure you have a copy of the certificates too. Also make sure to give it the same IP as before when rebuilding your VC-server.Next versions of VC(2.1 or higher) will support multiple administrative groups. In this way several different administrators see […]

ACE 2 Introduction & Demonstration

VMware ACE enables desktop administrators to package an IT managed PC image within a policy managed virtual machine and deploy it to any physical PC. The package mentioned is either a tar.gz package (in case of linux) or a MSI-package (windows, duh). This MSI package can then be distributed with tools like Microsoft SMS/SCCM (System […]


In case of failing over to another node in the future release of Virtual Center (from 2.1 an newer) some new rules are in place for determining on which host to start vm’s first. VC2.0.X determines the host based on alphabetic hostname ordering and space capacityVC2.1 picks the host with the most unreserved capacity <a href="" […]

VMware Lab manager

Steven Kishi talked about VMware Lab manager. Lab manager is no more or less than an application running on VI3 (just like Virtual Center). It supplies safe end user self service VM creation. It installs in a few hours, it is easy to use and has a web interface through which user can manage and […]