Today (monday 25 feb 2008) Novell announced the acquisition of Platespin ltd.. Novell inc. will acquire PlateSpin for $205 million using current cash. The press-release can be found here.
So after Vizioncore being bought by Quest, now it’s the turn for Platespin to being swallowed by a big player in the tools-section of the virtualization market. Being a relative new company (compared to the bigger ones like microosft and vmware) Platespin was founded in 2003, it was just a matter of time to see a take over being settled.
Platespin always had a very great interest in VMware products, I’m curious to see how this develops now Novell, the king of "Open" platforms took over the company. Will it move their attention to open source variants like XEN opensource or even XENServer from Citrix. Time will tell how fate develops 😉
More info can be found at