wrote about a couple of new products VMware is preparing to launch.
1. VMware Stage Manager
Stage Manager is another solution in the IT service delivery life cycle (dev/test/prod), to date not much information is available. Features like IP-fencing and snapshot technology known from Lab Manager will most likely appear in this product. In a way it looks like Lab Manager, I am curious if it is running next to Virtual Center or (better) on top of Virtual Center.
2. VMware Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management is the rebranded VS-O lifcycle formerly delivered by Dunes
3. VMware (Fusion) Importer
Aimed at Apple users, Importer makes it possible to import third-party Mac-based virtual machines into VMware Fusion. Vm’s created in Parallels Desktop for Mac 2.5 and 3.0 and Virtual PC 7.0 for Mac are now ready to convert (only windows versions BTW)
At least the first two are showcased at VMworld Europe 2008 the last one will probable also getting some attention there.
Technorati Tags: VMware, Products, StageManager, Lifecycle, Importer