Last week Vmware released a new version of VirtualCenter: version 2.0.2.
Three new features were added to the package. In short:
- License Administration – Granular control over ESX Server and VCB license redistribution and allocation. It’s now possible to stick licenses to specific hosts, in order to prevent situations were adding another host results inĀ ‘nicking’ the last remaining license
- Newly supported database for virtualcenter 2.0.2 release – Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 (both 32 bit and 64 bit) are now supported. Note that using the native driver still isn’t supported, make sure you use the SQL Server driver
- Permission Can Be Assigned to Users and Groups With Long Names – In VI Client, you can now create permissions and assign them to users or groups with names that are up to 250 characters long
Furthermore there are a bunch of bugs and security issues solved in this release. For details please check the releasenotes.
Download Virtual Center here.
When doing an upgrade be aware of the following:
- Add host operation fails when /tmp/vmware-root directory is missing in the ESX Server 3.0.x host
- Canceling the VirtualCenter Database Upgrade process closes the Upgrade Wizard UI, but the process continues to run in the background
- make a backup of your current VirtualCenter Database (trivial eh?)
- When upgrading and choosing the "use an exising database server"-option make sure to make the right choices, just hittingĀ the "yes"-button instead of "no"-button will result in a loss of all history and configuration and you will end up with an empty database
- After upgrading VirtualCenter remember to upgrade the VI-Client on the windows-hosts