With the recent release of VMware Lab Manager 2.5, VMware also launched a new Lab Manager ROI calculator, which details in graphical format the savings you can realize through lab system consolidation, improved provisioning, and much more.
VMware Lab Manager ROI Calculator – START NOW [http://www.vmware.com/products/labmanager/calculator.html?id=LabManagerAnnouncement] Why virtualize the test lab with VMware Lab Manager? A virtual lab automation system improves IT operational and infrastructure efficiency by:
- Reducing server sprawl across development and test teams
- Shortening the time spent provisioning by 50% or more
- Enabling reliable reproduction of software defects discovered during testing
For more information about what’s new in Lab Manager 2.5, read the VMware Lab Manager 2.5 datasheet. [http://www.vmware.com/pdf/labmanager_datasheet.pdf]
Source: VMware